Have you ever wondered how electricity reaches your home? Surely you know that energy is produced in power generation plants such as Enel Generación Costanera and Enel Generación El Chocón in Argentina. However, there are many ways to produce energy. Everything depends on the raw materials and the resources that we use, which may be renewable or non-renewable.
The main difference between renewable and non-renewable energy is its useful life. Non-renewable resources can be used only once and exist in limited quantities such as gas, coal, and oil. While renewable resources such as wind (wind power), water (hydroelectric power), or the sun (solar energy) are characterized by being energies that are not exhausted upon using them, in addition to being much more environmentally-friendly.
The path of electricity starts at the power plant and ends at your home. In order to achieve this entire route, the current generated goes through a transformer that raises the voltage of the electric power in order to travel great distances through transmission towers, the same ones that we can see along the freeways.
Then, when the current reaches your town or city, transformer substations lower the high voltage to travel through the medium voltage circuit. Thus, the energy can be transported without problems into your neighborhood either through elevated power lines or underground cables.
Once there, the voltage is reduced again in the transformation centers so that the energy can reach your home’s electric meter, which measures the amount of electricity you use.
As you can see, energy travels a long way to reach your home, making life simpler. Enjoy its benefits.