Life is a compilation of daily events, some of which become history.
December 2, 2016, is a day we will remember forever. The Chairman of Enel, Francesco Starace, rung the bell traditionally used to open trading on Wall Street at the New York Stock Exchange (the world's largest stock exchange). This symbolic gesture demonstrates our company's new phase of operations. The day on which Enersis Américas became Enel Américas S.A.
“This opening ceremony on the New York Stock Exchange is a celebration of the culmination of a successful process and enables us to present the new Enel Américas as a company with profitable growth that creates value for its shareholders,” remarked Luca D’Agnese, CEO of Enel Américas.
Streamlining such a complex, diversified and broad reality such as ours has been an ambitious and necessary undertaking in order to grow in a changing global environment. It took more than 500 days of work to change the group's structure in Latin America, enabling us to embark enthusiastically on future plans to change the lives of more than 15.6 million customers that we serve each day in the region.
This marks the end of a process initiated to create value for Enel's shareholders and the minority shareholders of the companies controlled by the Group. We are launching a new brand in Latin America that represents the strength of the “Open Power” strategy, which is coming to change the way power is supplied to the entire continent.