Enel América´s updates the company´s board of directors

Santiago, April 30, 2024. Enel Americas’ ordinary shareholders' meeting was held this morning at the company's new headquarters, MUT (Mercado Urbano de Tobalaba), and named its latest board of directors picks for the 2024-2027 period. 

After the vote, the 7-member board of directors was formed as follows:

·       Borja Acha

·       Alberto De Paoli

·       Iris Boeninger

·       José Antonio Vargas Lleras

·       Luca Lo Voi

·       Hernán Sommerville

·       Britaldo Soares

Borja Acha was elected Chairman of the Board, and the Directors' Committee consisted of Hernán Sommerville, Iris Boeninger, and José Antonio Vargas Lleras.