Enel Américas presented its consolidated financial statements as of december 31, 2019, highlighting a 19% increase in Ebitda over the previous year.
In this regard, the CEO of Enel Américas and Enel Director for Latin America, Maurizio Bezzeccheri, indicated the following:
During 2019, we obtained solid results despite the macroeconomic conditions in the Region. Ebidta went up by 19% over 2018, reaching US$4 billion, driven primarily by better performance in Brazil after the consolidation of Enel Distribuição São Paulo and the end of its fare revision.
The dividend to be distributed to our shareholders will be higher than initially estimated by the company, as a result of net profits in the ballpark of US$1.6 billion, which were 31% higher than in 2018.
Among the most important milestones in 2019, we can highlight the successful completion of the capital increase of US$3 billion, which will allow us to lay the foundation for future growth. We also made some important achievements in terms of sustainability, with the company being included once again in the Sustainability Yearbook by RobeccoSam and named by ALAS20 as the best company in Chile for its performance in ESG.
Looking towards the future, we are aware of the challenges we face as a region, therefore we plan to continue focusing our business on electrification, digitalization and new services that help guarantee a fair and sustainable energy transition.
See Financial Statements here