Directors Committee will supervise issues related to Sustainability
On June 25, 2020, the Board of Directors of Enel Américas, in order to further improve high standards in corporate governance practices in reference to the management of sustainability and positioning among investors and sustainability analysts, agreed delegate functions related to sustainability to the Directors Committee, a body that made up of independent directors, to supervise and follow up on the matters related to sustainability in the Company.
The Board of Directors delegated to the Directors Committee, a body that already works with a structure permanent and with a defined and periodic calendar, certain functions related to sustainability, with the aim that the latter supports the Board of Directors with functions of carácter purpose and consultative, in evaluations and decisions related to the sustainability of the Compafhia, supervising and promoting the sustainability commitment of Enel Américas S.A. Among others, among the functions that were delegated are those of reviewing the report and the Sustainability prior to its final approval by the Board of Directors. Too Supervise the participation of the Company in the sustainability indices.