Respect for Human Rights is one of the principles in which Enel basis its operations, with a consistent commitment in all operating countries and companies that are part of the Group.
Our commitment considers the UN's "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights", which have since 2011, established global standards for evaluating management systems and potential human rights breaches linked to business activity. The guidelines describe the duty institutions have to respect these rights, to act with due diligence to avoid violating the rights of others and address any unfavorable situation in which they may be involved.
In 2013, through the approval of its Board of Directors, Enel adopted the United Nation's sanctioned approach to "Protect, Respect and Remedy" and implemented a Human Rights in all its company firms.
Enel Américas and its subsidiaries promote respect for human rights in all business relations and hold its contractors, suppliers and business partners to the same standards, paying particular attention to conflict and high-risk situations.
Enel Américas conducts an annual human rights assessment, which includes its entire value chain. Its purpose is to identify any potential violation within the scope of its operations and Policy principles, securing compensation mechanisms to address possible gaps.
Such policy has been refreshed in 2021 and strengthens and expands on the commitments already enshrined in the Code of Ethics, Zero Tolerance of Corruption Plan and in the global corporate criminal risk prevention models. The Policy identifies twelve principles, classified into two macro-issues: "Labour practices" and "Community relations and Society", and set out how environmental degradation and climate change are intertwined with human rights since the implementation of measures to mitigate their effects will happen only if their social impact is taken into account.
Employment practices
Rejection of forced or compulsory labor and child labor
Respect for diversity and non-discrimination
Freedom of association and collective bargaining
Health, safety and well-being
Just and favourable working conditions
Communities and societies
Respecting the rights of communities
Respecting the rights of local communities
Respecting the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples
Integrity: zero tolerance of corruption