Enel Américas S.A. participates indirectly in electricity generation through Enel Argentina S.A.’s subsidiaries Enel Generación Costanera S.A. (Costanera), Enel Generación El Chocón S.A. (Chocón) and Central Dock Sud S.A. (CDS).
Costanera, Chocón and CDS own together 4,537 MW gross installed capacity. This capacity represented by the end of 2018, 11.8% of the total capacity in the Argentine SIN (National Interconnected System). Electricity genera-tion of these companies reached 13,949 GWh on December 31, 2018, equivalent to 10.1% of the total generation of Argentina.
Worth is to mention that some of the most important business groups that participates in the Argentine Electricity Market in generation are: AES, SADESA and Pampa Energía - company that in 2016 acquired Petrobras Argentina. Other companies with participation in the generation business are YPF Energía, CAPEX and Pluspetrol Energía, acquired by YPF.