Enel Cien is an energy transmission company in Brazil. The complex consists of two frequency conversion stations, Garabi I and II Garabi II, converting both ways the frequencies of Brazil (60 Hertz) and Argentina (50 Hertz) and transmission lines. On the Argentinean side, they are managed by two subsidiaries: Compañía de Transmission del Mercosur S.A. (CTM) and Transportadora de Energía S.A. (TESA). Enel Cien has control of 100.0% of the capital in both companies.
The interconnection system consists of two transmission lines with a total length of 1,006 km, and the Garabi Conversion Station, SE STA (Santo Angelo/RS) and SE YTA (Itá/SC).
On April 5, 2011 the decrees were published in the Official Gazette defining the annual value of the Allowed Annual Remuneration (RAP) for Enel Cien. With this, the regulator equates Enel Cien (the assets of which consist of Garabi 1 and 2 lines) to concessionaires of public service transmission. Total annual RAP is adjusted annually and the tariff review processes will be conducted every four years. Starting from April 2011, therefore, Enel Cien was officially authorized to receive payments under this new business approach.